Unit testing vs. Integration testing – Which testing methodology is best for Agile teams?

July 12, 2021

Testing is a critical part of the Agile software development process. It’s crucial to ensure the quality and functionality of software products. However, choosing the right testing methodology can be daunting, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the benefits and drawbacks of each. This post compares two popular testing methodologies: Unit Testing and Integration Testing.

What is Unit Testing?

Unit Testing refers to the practice of testing individual components or units of code in isolation. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application, typically a single function or method. The goal of Unit Testing is to verify that each unit of code works according to its specification.

Unit Testing can be automated, making it a popular choice for Agile teams. It enables you to identify issues early in the development process, making it easier to fix them before moving to Integration Testing.

What is Integration Testing?

Integration Testing refers to testing multiple units of code together as a group, to uncover defects in the interaction between these units. It ensures that different components work together seamlessly as a part of an entire application.

There are different types of Integration Testing, with each focusing on different aspects, from testing individual modules to the entire system's functionality. By testing an application in its entirety, Integration Testing offers a broader perspective on issues as opposed to Unit Testing.

Unit Testing vs. Integration Testing

The primary difference between the two methodologies lies in the scope of their testing. Unit Testing focuses on individual units' functionality, while Integration Testing verifies that these units work optimally when combined.

Unit Testing tests individual units in isolation, while Integration Testing tests the interaction between different units. Therefore, it's important to note that Unit Testing does not guarantee full system functionality as Integration Testing does.

However, Integration Testing is often more comprehensive, requiring you to test more components and configurations. It may also take more time since it's more time-consuming than Unit Testing.

Key differences at a glance

Here's a quick summary of the key differences between Unit Testing and Integration Testing:

Unit Testing Integration Testing
Tests individual components of an application Tests how different components work together
Isolated testing Testing done on complete/semi-complete modules
Narrow scope Broader scope
Identifies issues earlier in the coding process Identifies issues later in the coding process
Does not guarantee full application functionality Ensures proper system functionality

Which testing methodology should Agile teams use?

Both Unit Testing and Integration Testing are essential methodologies for Agile teams. They serve different purposes and are necessary to achieve a stable system that performs optimally.

Unit Testing should be your first line of defense since it identifies issues early in the development process, making it easier to fix them before they become more complicated. With automated testing, defects can be quickly fixed, making the process more efficient.

Integration Testing should be conducted later in the development cycle, after the code has been integrated. It verifies that the different components work together as expected, ensuring the software solution's functional integrity.


Unit Testing and Integration Testing are indispensable testing methodologies for Agile teams. They complement each other and serve different purposes, ensuring software development efficiency and success. While the scope and approach of the methodologies may differ, they are both crucial to ensuring a stable system that performs optimally.


  1. Martin Fowler “Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture” https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservice-testing/#testing-pyramid
  2. DZone "Unit Testing Vs. Integration Testing: What’s the Difference?" https://dzone.com/articles/unit-testing-vs-integration-testing-whats-the-diff
  3. Atlassian “Unit testing Vs. Integration Testing: Which should you choose?” https://www.atlassian.com/continuous-delivery/software-testing/types-of-software-testing/unit-tests-vs-integration-tests

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